Sunday, November 4, 2007

Colbert will not be a candidate, but a write in?

In this weeks National political digest, powered by the Detroit Free Press , published on November 4, 2007, many great stories.

South Carolina Democratic officials decided not to let Stephen Colbert get on the primary ballot in his native state. He's the guy who poses as a conservative talk-show host on Comedy Central.

"He's really trying to use South Carolina Democrats as suckers so he can further a comedy routine," said Waring Howe, a member of the Democrats' executive council.

Colbert had said he planned to run as both a Democrat and a Republican -- so he could lose twice. But in the end, he didn't even file for the Republican race, which would have required a $35,000 filing fee.

"I understand you have to keep a club exclusive," he said on his show, "but I paid less for my black market liver."


Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

The Colbert write-in campaign begins...sign the petition asking Colbert to embrace it!