Monday, September 17, 2007

Hillary Announces New Healthcare Plan

Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton introduced her plan for Universal Healthcare today,
"to ensure that every American will have access to affordable, quality health

Clinton in a statement by her campaign, promised that she will fight for families struggling with healthcare and that is why she introducted the plan she call "American Health Choices Plan."

According to the statement, Clinton calls is a a fiscally responsible plan that our country will be able to afford, "If you like the insurance you have now, you won't have to change a thing. But if you want to change your plan, or if you're one of the 47 million Americans who don't have coverage, you will have a variety of plans to choose from," said the New York Senator.

"We can improve the quality of our health care, lower costs, preserve our choices, and ensure that every person in America has quality coverage, said Clinton. "It ensures that care will be affordable and that insurance companies can no longer deny coverage because of preexisting conditions."

Clintons plan offers healthcare for those that have it and cheaper care for those that already do.

"I have never wavered in my commitment to making sure that every single person
in America has access to affordable, quality health care. And I have promised
that as president, I will make universal coverage a reality. The American Health
Choices Plan is a roadmap that tells us how to get there."

To read more about her new healthcare plan visit,

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