Friday, November 23, 2007

Kucinich on CBS

I came across this video on YouTube, I wish that I had seen it on TV. I want your feelings on how the Kucinich's were treated.


Meredith said...

Kucinich is never treated very well by the media. It's a real shame that the media refuses to embrace him -- he's the only candidate I actually think would be a good president!
Thanks for posting that in your blog -- any little bit of help in spreading the word on Dennis helps open some eyes :0)

Meredith said...

I actually just posted a bunch of videos about him in my blog,
if you want to check them out.

Anonymous said...

I hope the interviewer was reprimanded and demoted. It is so sad that this is what passes for journailism currently.

Her face says it all. Condescending, self important...she isn't listening, and doesn't care what is said if it is not what she is going for.

I think the Kucinich's handled this as well as can be expected, with grace and intelligence.